Separation & Divorce

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Separation & Divorce - Cubelaw

Navigate Uncontested Divorce And Separation Legally In British Columbia

Ending relationships can take a massive toll on your life. Along with emotional complications, separations also bring legal and administrative issues with them. If you are looking for a lawyer for a divorce in BC for an uncontested divorce, Cube Law is here to help!

Uncontested divorces are quicker, simpler, and less complicated. These cases hardly go to court and are resolved mutually. Our divorce lawyers in British Columbia help you navigate your separation in a legal and systematic way. They will guide you in matters related to wealth distribution post-separation, custody of children, living arrangements, alimony, and many more. Rest assured that we will provide you with relevant and unbiased legal advice that is in the best interest of your current and former family.

If you are ending your relationship, you may choose to get a divorce or simply get separated from your spouse while staying married. Our uncontested divorce lawyers in BC help you make such decisions while ensuring the best outcome for each party involved.

Why Choose Our Divorce And Separation Lawyers In British Columbia?

Filing A Divorce 

Filing a divorce involves legal and administrative procedures. Our lawyers will guide you in giving or receiving a divorce legally.

Exploring Alternatives

Couples are often unaware of the different alternatives available to them if they wish to end their relationships. Apart from getting a divorce and living separately forever, there is a spectrum of options you can consider. Our lawyers will help you choose the option that best suits you and your current/former partner.

Avoiding Confusion

Our uncontested divorce lawyers ensure that there is no confusion during the separation process. Our approachable legal professionals will explain any jargon you do not understand and resolve all your confusion.

Personalized and Affordable Legal Help

Cube Law tailors its legal help to every client’s case. Staying away from the “one-size-fits-all” approach, our lawyers advise you and your partner after studying your case in detail. Moreover, Cube Law offers legal help in British Columbia you can afford. With no hidden charges, we keep our fees 100% transparent and upfront.

Frequently Asked Questions

Uncontested divorce is simpler, more cost-effective, and quicker. Couples opting for such a divorce can mutually decide upon their separation without going through excessive stress. Especially if they have kids, uncontested divorce makes things less stressful and complicated for them.

In British Columbia, an uncontested divorce may take anywhere from three to six months after you receive your divorce order upon filing the application. The procedure can be quicker if both the parties file the application together.

According to British Columbia’s Family Law Act, the wife gets a 50% share of the couple’s property and debts. This may not be the case if it is unfair to make such a division. Certain assets may be excluded from this arrangement, such as the assets owned before marriage and brought in by the wife, inheritances, etc. Consult a divorce and separation lawyer to know what you are entitled to according to your case.

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