Prenuptial Agreement

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Prenuptial Agreement - Cubelaw

It is always better to feel financially secure before getting married to your loved one. Preparing a prenuptial agreement before marriage clarifies matters related to asset and liability distribution after separation (if it happens). The legal document deals with the ownership of each individual’s wealth if the marriage does not work out. Cube Law helps you prepare a detailed prenuptial agreement in Surrey, BC and other British Columbia regions.

While any couple can prepare this agreement, it is most common in couples where one individual has significantly more assets in their name. A prenup prevents them from losing a large portion of their wealth upon a divorce. Such an agreement is also advisable if your partner is in debt and you want to ensure that the burden does not fall upon you after separation.

Prenuptial agreements are all about taking the right precautionary measures before getting married. They clarify a lot of important matters that are often left unsaid. Cube Law helps you prepare a foolproof prenuptial agreement in BC with experienced lawyers guiding you along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the key steps involved in preparing a prenuptial agreement in British Columbia:

  • Mutually agreeing with your partner
  • Hiring a lawyer in British Columbia
  • Full disclosure about assets and liabilities
  • Discussing the clauses to add to the agreement
  • Reviewing the prenup
  • Signing the document
  • Updating the prenup if and when needed

A prenuptial agreement gives you the much-needed assurance about your wealth before you get married. It eliminates the chances of trials and litigations that may arise in the event of your divorce (if that happens). Your prenup lawyer will help you enlist everything important about the distribution of your assets and liabilities as a couple.

No, a prenuptial agreement is not limited to high-net-worth couples. Anyone seeking clarity and assurance before getting married can prepare this document. Most high-net-worth individuals go this route to ensure ownership of their assets in the event of a divorce. This agreement is also common between couples where one of them brings a huge debt into the marriage. Having said that, there are no financial restrictions when it comes to drafting a prenup in British Columbia. 

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