You can incorporate multiple companies under a single holding company. Such an arrangement involves two key parties: a holding company and operating companies.
The holding company, as the name suggests, is the company that holds shares and investments of multiple operating companies. However, this company does not conduct business operations like producing and/or offering products or services.
The operating companies conduct business operations with their ultimate management lying in the holding company’s hands. Every operating company bears risks for its conduct and solely faces all legal actions whenever they occur.
You should also know that the holding company and its operating companies can exchange tax-free dividends across Canada. This implies that an operating company making profits can share its dividends with its holding company. The holding company then safeguards this wealth for each operating company under its umbrella.
Our corporate lawyers at Cube Law help you incorporate such holding and operating companies in British Columbia. We help you comply with all legal procedures and ensure that you know all provisions of such incorporation.
Cube Law Corporation understands your overarching business goals before incorporating multiple companies under a single holding company in Surrey, British Columbia. Our lawyers also help you choose the right business entities and have seamless succession planning in place. They will help business owners draft all legal documents needed to incorporate multiple ventures.
The role of a holding company involves holding investments and shares belonging to its operating companies. It does not indulge in business operations and is not legally responsible for issues concerning operating companies.
An operating company conducts businesses and is legally responsible for them. It shares its dividend with the holding company while operating independently.
A HoldCo or holding company ensures centralized ownership. This company holds shares of the operating companies functioning under it. It oversees large-scale management without being directly liable for the losses any operating company makes.
A commonly used structure for multiple companies involves two separate entities: the operating company (OpCo) responsible for conducting the main business operations, and the holding company (HoldCo) which fully owns OpCo.
The Holding Company (HoldCo)
A holding company, commonly known as Holdco, is a business entity mainly created to hold investments or shares of other companies. Unlike other companies, Holdcos do not produce goods or offer services.
One common type of Holdco is a corporation that holds shares of another company engaged in active business operations. By creating a barrier between the business owner and the operating company, this structure enables profits to be channeled and retained within the Holdco. Additionally, a Holdco can also be used to manage investments like a portfolio of marketable securities or rental properties, instead of holding them under an individual’s name. The ownership of HoldCo is typically held by the individuals involved in the primary business, including their respective personal holding companies. This structure offers various benefits related to both liability and tax efficiencies.
The Operating Company (OpCo)
OpCo is solely responsible for bearing any risks related to the business operations, with any legal actions being directed solely against it. This means that any assets necessary for conducting the business will be at risk. However, when it comes to taxation, parent and child corporations can exchange dividends tax-free in Canada. Therefore, when OpCo generates profits, it can pay dividends to HoldCo, which can then accumulate and safeguard the wealth generated by the business, while OpCo remains nimble and efficient.
We assist Surrey business owners in structuring multiple companies by creating efficient operational (OpCo) and holding (HoldCo) company setups. This structure is ideal for optimizing tax efficiency and risk management for small businesses in Surrey.
A holding company structure offers Metro Vancouver businesses benefits like tax optimization, asset protection, and strategic investment management. It’s particularly advantageous for small businesses looking to diversify and secure their financial future.
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